Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering is very interesting because of the math and science aspect. When talking about Civil Engineering you find many subsets of areas you can work with. The different sub divisions that are within Civil Engineering they are, Environmental, Transportation, structural, Geotechnical, and water resource. I am looking into the Transportation side of Civil Engineering. Transportation engineering is dealing with roads, to maintain and build new ones. It is a Engineers responsible to make sure that the road is being built to what the standards are of the day. Being a Transportation engineer you are in charge of designing the roads. This includes making sure that the  contractor building the road has space to work, which in some cases as the engineer you have to find the best detour to send traffic around the road that is being worked on. When roads are getting pot holes and getting a lot of wear Engineers determine if they should patch the issue spot or decide that it may need to be redone. Transportation engineers get to work with bridges and make sure they are safe to use, if they are not the engineer needs to examine the issue and get results of the tests to fix the issue as fast as you can. In the case that the engineer doesn't get the information in time there is the issue of the 35w Bridge in Minneapolis, MN.

Other aspects of working as a transportation Engineer you get to work with air ports and Railroads. Working with Railroads would be interesting since in America it is one of the most effective ways to transport goods across the United States effectively. However in countries around the World railroads are used more as a transportation method. In Canada, the government is working on improving their public transportation. This project has the name of O train and its' purpose is to make an expansion of the passenger train system that already exists. Transportation engineers get to work with redesigning airport run ways to support bigger planes. This year in the United States there are no big projects in the United States. Although in China there is going to be a massive project in the Daxing district. The project is estimated to be 9 billion dollars. Having two airports in Beijing will help with congestion in the airports. This project is expected to be completed in the fall of 2018.

Civil engineering has many areas besides transportation engineering. The general areas consist of environmental, structural, Geotechnical and water resources. Civil Engineering is a profession that is all about improving everyday life. In Minnesota the roads are not great at all. Transportation engineers work to fix the issues with old roads and make sure that the traffic is moving fluidly. Civil Engineering is base off math and science. If you are ready to take on daily challenges by designing projects and are great at math Civil engineering is for you. The projects that Civil Engineers are all around. One of the big projects coming up in Minnesota is the New Vikings stadium in which engineers will be working on.
 The new stadium will be almost twice the size of the old stadium. Theses are many reasons on why Civil Engineering is a career.


  1. Good information, I like the tie in with the 35W bridge incident and the real world company name drops. Should maybe read through it and check for spelling errors though, I came across a couple. Overall, great work.

  2. You give a great explanation of what a transportation engineer does. I like that you give developments and failures of transportation engineering, it gives perspective to the readers why this field is important.

  3. I love how you pick out both the good and the bad things that can happen! sound like an interesting field to go into! Definitely explained day to day projects pretty well too!
